BBQ Tips & Tricks
With the summer approaching.. here are some hacks and tips to help you when firing up the BBQ for friends and family. From the best cleaning hacks to food ideas, this guide will allow you to host, cook and enjoy your time in the sunshine!
Grill Cleaning
Clean your grill with half a cut onion. The acidity of the onion will clean the grease and grime from the grill bars. It is best to do this when the grill is still hot.
Aromatic Smoke
Throw herbs such as rosemary or basil over the coal - This will create a aromatic smoke whilst cooking and enhance the flavour of your food.

Succulent Burgers
Place an ice cube in the middle of your raw burger before cooking - This will melt as its cooking, keeping the burger moist!

Perfect Burgers Every Time
If you are making your own burgers for the BBQ, mix the mince meat with mayonnaise. This will add moisture to the mix and ensure juicy yummy burgers every time.
Flavoursome Fish
Cook fish over lemons or limes for added flavour - Place slices of citrus fruits around 2cm thick on the grill and lay the fish on top, this will keep the fish juicy and add extra flavour.
Perfect Sausages
We all know someone who burns the sausages or chicken on a BBQ! This hack to figure out the hot spots of a grill should help.. - Turn the heat on high for 90 seconds and place slices of bread on the grill and then turn the heat off. The bread will show you what parts of the BBQ get the hottest and this will allow you to ensure nothing is burnt again!

Non-Stick Grills
Oil the grill - Either with a basting brush or oiled cloth, wipe down the grill to ensure that the food does not stick - Maybe even make an oil mix with either chilli or garlic for added flavour.

Liquid Seasoning
Fill a spray bottle with apple juice or a liquid seasoning of your choice - For this we would suggest mixing oil, apple juice, and maybe chilli, garlic and herbs into a spray bottle and this can be used whilst the food is slowly cooking to keep moist and flavoursome.